About Bus Cologne

Bus Cologne is a bus rental platform of the tour operator City Tours. In collaboration with several bus companies in Cologne and its region, Bus Cologne deals with the provision of buses for any kind of trip in Cologne and the rest of North Rhine-Westphalia and allows the clients to book transfers, sightseeing tours, excursions and trips by minibus, small bus, bus or double-decker fast and easy.

Legal information about City Tours Germany

The tour operator City Tours is a booming company whose head office is based in Vienna (Austria) and its subsidiaries and branches in Germany, Italy and Poland. City Tours mainly provides customers from all over the world with bus rental services all over Europe, particularly in the field of action of the bus rental network www.europe-buses.com.

The following information concerns City Tours' German subsidiary but are valid for renting in Cologne:

City Tours in other countries

Outside Germany, City Tours is located in Austria, Poland, Italy and also offers its services in Slovenia, Bulgaria and Ukraine. You will find further information on City Tours' activity outside of Germany at www.citytours-europe.com.

City Tours head office

City Tours's head quarter is based in Vienna. The following information about City Tours GmbH's head quarter is relevant for charter bus rental:

Do you have questions about City Tours?

We hope that this website answered most of your questions. If you have any other doubt or need further information, please contact City Tours at !